Software Development
I have worked as Software Developer, mainly in Java with Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Hibernate, …) and in PHP with Symfony for over 10 years.
I believe in microservice development and know my way around Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud/AWS. If necessary, I can also handle more traditional server administration (Debian based systems).
I primarily work on backend tasks, but also worked with ReactJS, TypeScript and other frontend technologies.
Previous projects involved banking, PropTech, shop systems, rental software, statistical data analysis, and many other topics.
IT Leadership
I have successfully led an IT team of 12 developers for several years, building website, backend services, employee tools and mobile applications.
I have strong beliefs how to build and lead a team and encourage you to read these articles:
I have been talking for most of my life.
And for over 10 years, I’ve been talking professionally about IT. From leading an entry-level workshop for creating basic websites to a presentation about complicated enterprise deployment platforms, my range is vast. I believe that talking creates solutions and solutions are better than problems.
I worked as a freelancer for a long time with the concept of “Talkalytics”, a talk-based IT analysis strategy that helped to point IT teams in the right direction. During that time I also coached teams on Spring Boot and Kubernetes.
I love all kinds of theatre and have worked as author, theatre manager, director and festival producer.
If you need help on a theatre project, I can consult.

I am one of the inventors of the concept „Theatre 2.0“ which I explored with my theatre group „Antigone 2.0“. Our goal was bringing the so-called „Web 2.0“ – a common buzzword at that time to describe „User Generated Content“ – to the stage. Our productions were a platform for the audience to provide own content via live chat, wiki articles or interactive theatre formats. Our experiments focused on ancient greek drama and were called „Antigone 2.0“, „Ödipedia“, „Ajax//Don Quichotte“.
In „Antigone 2.0“ we distributed laptops to the audience (as smartphones weren’t ubiquitous yet). Participants were encouraged to discuss the proceedings on stage via live chat which was projected onto the wall. The production was invited to LinuxTag 2008, the biggest trade fair for Linux in Europe. „Ödipedia“ explored letting outsiders create text and stage directions, costume ideas etc. „Ajax//Don Quichotte“ invented theatre as perpetual beta. Every show built upon the performance of the previous day, costumes were borrowed from audience members and in fact we rehearsed different plays than we performed
Theatre production: Festival „Antikekstase“

2010 I organized an international 4-day theatre festival. ANTIKEKSTASE was hosted at BROTFABRIK Berlin and brought a touch of the dionysiac in our modern times. Wine, comedians, tragic tales, movies, discussions, magical moments. The festival included a serious track about refugees and their struggle to flee to Europe.
The opening production „Der Rausch des Dionysos“ was invited to the FriKK-Festival after ANTIKEKSTASE. The guest performance „Der gute König Ödipus“ could perform in Vienna and Braunschweig thanks to contacts made during ANTIKEKSTASE. The team of the movie „Come un uomo sulla terra“ also made important connections at the festival.
Other creative projects
2008 I worked as directing assistent at „Opernbühne Württembergisches Allgäu“ for „Der Liebestrank“ (Donizetti).
I write short plays, one of them„La femme-être“ was read 2012 during „Read on my dear“ at YUMA-Bar. 2013 I wrote „Heimatfront“ as author for the 24 Hour Theatre Berlin – within a couple of hours I wrote the play which was brought to life the same day by Michael Schlecht. The same year I directed „Wo wir bestimmt sind“ (Georg Lichtenegger) at 24 Hour Theatre. I wrote the texts for the Berlin revue “Du bist so wunderbar” (2017) and parts of the interactive theatre “Holzwege zum Ruhm” (2020), both by Berlin collective #einapplaus.
2007 I founded a writer’s circle called „Litera.Pur“ which has published several anthologies and performed publicly for the first time 2014 at Brotfabrik Berlin.